qanat init

Command information

qanat init

Initialize experiment directory.



-y, --yes

Answer yes to all questions.



Required argument

Command description

The init command takes a directory path as argument and creates a new Qanat project in that directory. This means that a .qanat/ directory will be created with the files: * config.yaml * database.db

The config.yaml file contains the default configuration for the project. The database.db file is an empty SQLite database that will store the infromation on experiments, datasets, runs and other associated elements.

The init command can be used with the –yes option to skip the questions and use the default values for the configuration.

The init command can be used with the –help option to display the help message:

qanat init --help

Usage: qanat init [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY

Initialize experiment directory.

    DIRECTORY      PATH  (PATH) [required]
     --yes      -y        Answer yes to all questions.
     --help               Show this message and exit