
Here we showcase some of the features of Qanat.

Experiment run tracking

  • Automatic creation of experiment results directory

  • Automatic logging of experiment parameters, git commit hash, stdout, stderr, etc.

  • History of experiment runs with date, duration, description, tags, etc.

Ease of experiment running

  • Launch experiments with a grid over parameters easily

  • Facilitate run on job submission systems: HTCondor and Slurm

  • Facilitate run on local machine of several parameters in parallel

  • Facilitate run inside a container (Docker, Singularity)

  • Track experiment progress

Dataset handling

  • Track which dataset used for which experiment

  • Automatically bind mount dataset directory inside container

Analysis of experiments results

  • Explore run of experiments by searching over details of experiment runs

  • Analysis script after runs are finished can be formalised as actions on the experiment results

Documents handling

  • Track documents relative to the project with tags, description, etc.

  • Add experiment run dependencies on documents


  • Track git commit hash of the experiment code

  • Reproduce experiment run from previous run in the same environment


Many templates for different types of projects are available

  • Simple python project

  • Simple Matlab project

  • Simple Julia project

  • Multivariate Statistics project

  • Deep Learning project

  • etc.


  • [ ] Add support for Docker

  • [ ] Add experiment to experiment dependencies

  • [ ] Add hosts functionality to track different running machines

  • [ ] Update document, experiments, dataset as an edit of YAML file

  • [ ] Edit database directly in case of problems